Sunday, June 9, 2013

Zensus 2011 - mapping germany

8 different ways to portrait the population density. Different colorschemes and chart overlays show the population density of Germany, as counted in 2011 and published 31.05.2013.

The images are created by screenshot from an interactive mapping application powered by iXMaps HTML5 mapping framework, which showes some of the published data with predefined themes.

The interactive maps with the Zensus 2011 data can be found here (level: Kreise und Kreisfreie Staedte)  and here (level: Verbandsgemeinden). The maps are tested on Chrome, Safari and Firefox. Loading may take a bit depending on your internet connection.

Source of data: Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der Länder - Zensus 2011